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Mir Mohtasam Hossain Sizan
Bizary Prava Mondal
Md Rafiqul Islam
Md Rashed Buiya


As steam engines were introduced and the Industrial Age began, Mesopotamian manufacturing processes underwent significant changes. The mechatronics business is now experiencing a technological boom, thanks to recent breakthroughs in the internet, cellphones, electronics, nanotechnology, healthcare, digital applications, and other related technologies. Robotics and artificial intelligence were prominent topics during the last World Economic Forum, with major economists such as Stiglitz and Roubini making significant contributions to the discussion. The objective of the study is to determine the impact of artificial intelligence on communication sources related to business. The purpose of the research is also to find the answers of the following questions: How well do professionals know and use artificial intelligence? What influence does artificial intelligence have on communication management, say experts? What challenges do professionals face with artificial intelligence communication? What threats do the artificial intelligence use they see? The study has used the data set of a quantitative cross-national survey of 2375 European communication professionals. The study has applied the One-way ANOVA analysis with post-hoc Scheffé, Kendall rank correlation, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Pearson's chi-square tests. The results show that communication managers have driven artificial intelligence implementation and educate themselves and their workforce. There is a significant positive relationship between the use of artificial intelligence and business communication sources. The results the artificial intelligence has make a lot of improvement in communications systems and shows how the experts evaluate the technology. Research indicates that individuals employed in the field of communication have a limited understanding of artificial intelligence, although they possess a higher level of anticipation regarding its influence on their profession compared to its impact on their personal life.

JEL Classification Codes: M10, M15.


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How to Cite
Sizan , M. M. H. ., Mondal , B. P. ., Islam , M. R. ., & Buiya , M. R. (2024). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE FUTURE OF COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW . American International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 6(1), 1–7.
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