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About the Journal
Aims and Scope
American International Journal of Sciences and Engineering Research is a Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Refereed International Journal published by American Center of Science and Education. The subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:-
- Fisheries Science, Aquaculture;
- Aquatic environmental monitoring, investigation, and assessment;
- Aquatic pollution and remediation;
- Oceanography, Limnology, Aquatic biology;
- Aquatic chemistry, Aquatic ecology;
- Aquatic toxicology, Hydrology, Geology;
- Dynamics of aquatic ecosystems;
- Water treatment, Ocean engineering, Hydraulic engineering;
- Environmental economics and management;
- Conservation and utilization of aquatic resources
- Technical, non-technical, strategic, operational, and managerial topics of the civil aviation sectors.
- Climate change
- Ecology and sustainable development
- Waste and water management
- Renewable and sustainable energy
- Environmental technologies
- Green construction and sustainable development
- Sustainable land development
- Environmental economics and policy
- Urban planning and development
- Social sciences and humanities
- Social impact assessment
- Sustainable agricultural systems
- Environmental physics,
- environmental chemistry,
- environmental economics,
- environmental management,
- environmental engineering & technology,
- environmental health, ecological and environmental protection
- air and water pollution, solid waste, noise, recycling, natural resources, climate change, biodiversity, and so on.
- Agriculture & Manufacturing
- Food processing
- Foodservice & Regulation
- Labor and education on food production
- Marketing, Wholesale, and distribution
- Research & Development of food technology
- Financial Services in the modern food industry
- Food policy matters, food quality, food nutrition, food safety, etc.
- It also publishes papers concerning obesity research, food processing and control technologies, food chemistry
- Theories and methods of safety science, engineering, and technology
- Safety management, monitoring and supervision, and occupational health
- Safety assessment and risk analysis
- Safety economics
- Safety psychology and education
- Fire and blast safety and smoke control
- Safety in the coal mine, Machinery, and civil engineering
- Drug, healthcare, and patient safety
- Food safety
- Construction and environment safety
- Traffic and transportation safety
- Chemical health and safety of hazardous materials
- Synchronization Protocols and Algorithms
- Security Protocols and Algorithms
- QoS Protocols and Algorithms
- Ad-Hoc and Sensor Network Protocols and Algorithms
- Content Delivery Networks Protocols and Algorithms
- P2P Protocols and Algorithms
- Cluster-Based Protocols and Algorithms
- Real-Time Protocols and Algorithms
- Wireless Protocols and Algorithms
- MAC Protocols and Algorithms for Wired Networks
- Mobile wireless internet protocols and algorithms
- Delay-Tolerant protocols and algorithms
- Mesh network protocols and algorithms
- Protocols and algorithms for Voice over IP delivery
- Cognitive Radio Network Protocols and Algorithms
- Monitoring and management protocols and algorithms
- Optical networking protocols and algorithms
- Scalable Network Protocols and Algorithms
- Protocols and algorithms for Green Computing and Resource Allocation
- Power Efficient and Energy Saving Network Protocols and Algorithms
- Routing Protocols and Algorithms
- Tree-based Protocols and Algorithms
- Distributed/Decentralized Algorithms for Networks
- Fault-tolerant Protocols and Algorithms
- Protocols and algorithms for Mobile and Dynamic Networks
- Cross-Layer Collaborative Protocols and Algorithms
- Formal methods and cryptographic algorithms for communication
- Multimedia Network Protocols and Algorithms
- Network Protocols and Algorithms for Context-Aware and Semantic Networks
- Localized Network Protocols and Algorithms
- Transport Layer Protocols
- Smart grid Protocols and Algorithms
- Network Protocols Simulation Techniques
- Protocols and Algorithms for Mobile and Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
- Cloud Computing Network Protocols and Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence algorithms applied to Network Protocols
- Protocols and algorithms for IPTV delivery
Section Policies
Original Articles
Original full-length research papers, clearly state their objective or hypothesis, the experimental design and methods used, the essential features of any interventions, the main outcome measures, the result from the study, and a section placing the results in the context of published literature.
Review Articles
Provide a summary of evidence derived from primary studies that have been selected and synthesized according to the author's personal and professional perspective.
Case Reports
Report of a single case
Short Communications
Report results of a pilot study or preliminary findings from a study. The scope of this section is intended to be wide and encompass methodology and experimental data on subjects of interest to the readers of the Journal.
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Peer Review Process
We use a double-blind system for peer-review; both reviewers’ and authors’ identities remain anonymous. The paper will be reviewed by at least three experts: two reviewers from outside and one editor from the journal typically involve in reviewing a submission.
Publication Frequency
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.