Aims and Scope
American International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences is a Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Refereed International Journal for social science academics. The AIJHASS aims to provide a platform for high-quality research related to Social Science Research. The journal accepts article submissions by e-mail (
The subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:-
- Education
- Geography
- History
- Law
- Linguistics
- Management philosophy
- Political science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Child development
- Curriculum
- Reading comprehension
- Philosophies of education
- Educational approaches
- Theory and practice in English language teaching and learning
- English language teachers’ training and education
- Studies in English culture and literature
- Individual learning & team learning
- Learning strategies, action learning
- Educational learning
- Self-managed learning
- Work-based learning
- Organizational learning
- Experiential learning
- Social learning
- Knowledge management
- Training and development
- Psychology development
- Attitude development
- Organization development
- Leadership and management development
- Human resource management,
- Human capital development
- Sociological development
- Theoretical linguistics
- Descriptive linguistics and applied linguistics
- Early childhood education
- Higher education
- Vocational education
- Distance education
- Special education
- Educational technology
- Psychology
- Administration
- Evaluation
- Teaching and learning
- Educational theory
- Policy and practice
- Educational administration and evaluation
- Educational psychology
- Educational technology
- Creativity and entrepreneurship at schools
- Sociology of education, language teaching
- Sports pedagogy
- Educational administration
- Language education
- Teacher education
- Educational technology
- Business education
- Medical education
- Sociology of education
- The social context of education
- Curriculum studies
- Technology and design education educational change
- Theory of education
- Economics of environmental management
- Environmental impact assessment
- Environmental legislation
- Environmental policies and politics
- Environmental systems
- Improved energy efficiency
- Process modification for pollution prevention
- Remediation of contaminated sites
- Resource quality, quantity, and sustainability
- Spill prevention and management
- Sustainability, sustainable development approaches, and methods
- Transport and fate of pollutants in the environment
- Waste treatment and disposal
- Water and energy-related issues
- Climate change, ecology, and sustainable development
- Waste and water management
- Renewable and sustainable energy
- Environmental technologies, green construction, and sustainable development
- Environmental economics and policy
- Urban planning and development
- Social sciences and humanities
- Social impact assessment
- Sustainable agricultural systems
- Urban
- Geography
- Spatial
- Resource management
- Land use
- Environmental and ecological
- Regional economics and development issues, other regional-related topics
- Interventions for children, youths, and families, disability study, and practice
- Health social work, gerontology policy and practice, mental health, work stress, criminal justice
- Social and economic development etc.
Subject Area – Arts and Humanities. Subject Category –General Arts and Humanities.
Subject Area – Social Sciences. Subject Category –General Social Sciences.