The Effects of Globalization on English Language: A Study on the Students of Business and English Department of The Millennium University, Bangladesh

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Mizanur Rahman Jewel
Md. Mahmudul Haque


Now a day’s Globalization has become a familiar issue in terms of every area related to human civilization and particularly in the English language. English is the soul media of communication in the modern world and globalization has brought new dimensions in that field. The present study is an attempt to reflect on the contribution f globalization for spreading English language everywhere. During this research one questionnaire has been developed to collect relevant information on the issue. The paper includes analysis on the various contributing factors of globalization.



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How to Cite
Jewel, M. R., & Haque, M. M. . (2018). The Effects of Globalization on English Language: A Study on the Students of Business and English Department of The Millennium University, Bangladesh. American International Journal of Education and Linguistics Research, 1(1), 39–46.
Original Articles/Review Articles/Case Reports/Short Communications
Author Biographies

Mizanur Rahman Jewel, The Millennium University, Bangladesh


Department of English

The Millennium University, Bangladesh

Md. Mahmudul Haque, The Millennium University, Bangladesh


Department of English

The Millennium University, Bangladesh

References zation_and_the_Internet_on_English_Language_Teaching_and_Learning oject.pdf